this one


Appreciates variety of music covered

Hip, Hip, Hooray! for the work you are doing and the wide variety of styles, bands and tastes of music you cover.

I particularly salute you and thank you for covering Larnelle Harris. I'm glad you stepped into the Contemporary Christian scene. Too many publications ignore that realm. I'm very happy you don't!

Jim Snyder, St. Albans, WV 25177

From the Mayor's Office

Congratulations on Louisville Music News! You pack a lot of information into each entertaining issue.

I wanted to let you know about some of our local musicians who've been part of the Mayor's SummerScene program and to put the word out that we're looking for some new faces for the upcoming Mayor's WinterScene program.

Again, you're doing a great job with Music News and I'll keep you posted on what's happening with WinterScene.

Susan Burchett Miller

Director, Special Programs & Events

Mayor's Office

(The information regarding the SummerScene and WinterScene programs appears elsewhere in this issue. -- Editor.)