this one

Letters to the Editor

David Grissom 'one of hottest guitarists alive'

I'm writing to draw attention to a critical omission from Bob. Bahr's review of Joe Ely. It seems that Mr. Bahr failed to realize that Mr. Ely's "second guitarist" is none other than Louisville's own David Grissom! Named Texas' #1 hot guitar player of the year and probably, objectively, one of the hottest guitarists alive today and ... upcoming.

Archi Terra Anonymous

Louisville, Ky. 40202

(Thanks" for your letter – even though it was anonymous. Tsk, tsk. But, since we're always happy to spread the word of our hometown folk who've made good, we elected to print it anyway. -Editor.)

Wants more articles like "Earl's Pearls"

I'd like to see more articles like "Earl's Pearls," how to write a song and sell it, lyric writing, etc.

Eddie T. Goodlett, Sr.

Louisville, KY 40218