this one

Letters to the Editor

Lives enriched, careers furthered

As an entertainment professional, I am confident that I reflect the sentiments of innumerable musicians, agents, purveyors, and fans whose lives are enriched and careers furthered by the efforts of your exemplary publication. The Louisville Music News has become an integral part of my continuing education.

For over twenty-one years, I have seen more commercial periodicals sell out to mediocrity by compromising on the depth reporting and neglecting the esoteric art forms altogether.

Please extend a well-deserved standing ovation to your staff writers, photographers, and contributors. On behalf of all of us in the industry, thanks for all you do for all of us.

William A. Heaberlin

Media Promotion Enterprises

Huntington, WV 25702

(Thank you very much for your nice letter. We agree that our writers, photographers and contributors deserve a standing ovation, and we thank you on their behalf for saying so. Editor.)

Letters to the Editor are welcomed and should be addressed to:

Letters to the Editor

Louisville Music News

7400 Cross Creek Blvd.

Louisville, KY 40228

Letters should include the writer's full name, address and telephone number, and may be edited for purposes of clarity or space.