this one



The big news this month is the end of six years of meetings at the Rudyard Kipling. The Co-op would like to extend a special thanks to Kenny Pyle for all of the years of help and support.

Starting Monday, October 5th, at 7:30 p.m., the meetings will be held at the Federation of Musicians Union Hall at 1436 Bardstown Road at Eastern Parkway. The building is to the immediate left of St. James church; parking and the entrance is in the rear.


By Ray Yates

October 5 -Critique session Bring your song on cassette tape and 15 lyric sheets. Open to current members.

October 13 -Board Meeting

October 19 -Critique session


By Ray Yates

We are happy to welcome new members Larry Davenport and Ed Maly; membes number 429 and 430.

Larry Davenport has entered the Songwriting Contest for the last couple of years. He was last seen playing bass for John Gage on the Homefront show.

Ed Maly is a resident of Sugar Land, Texas, close by Houston. We don't have a lot of information about him, other than that he has several songs in the contest.

The critique sessions seem to be having a positive effect on the members who attend on a regular basis. A number of songwriters lyrics seem to be getting tighter, messages clearer and the overall structure and recordings better. This is especially true of some of the newer members. Good job! This month's critique sessions included songs by Mike Tilford, Joe Forgacs, Tom Florian, Bill Schmitt, Tammy Moses, Larry Easton, Earl Meyers, Tim Lynch, Mark Gibbs, and Ray Yates.

Any one interested in joining the LASC or wanting more information can call me at 502-969-1326, and I will be glad to answer any questions and forward a membership application. Please, include the attached biographical information with your application. It helps us to know something about our new members. The welcome column is great place to let yourself be known.


We don't have a list of members renewing their membership last month due to a hard disk failure. Next month. Thank you for your continued support.