this one

Local Releases

Dan Gediman Out of the Darkness

Label: Smith & Wilson Records.

Format: Cassette.

Availability: Better Days, Carmichael's Bookstore, ear X-tacy, Four Seasons, Genesis Booksellers, Hawley-Cooke Booksellers.

Information: 502-451-1514.

Rusty Bladen Are You Happy Now?

Formats: CD, cassette.

Availability: Southern Indiana Karma Records; ear X-racy; L-Loco Records, Madison, Ind.; and Rusty Bladen performances.

Information: 812-866-5873.

Dodge City Peek

Formats: CD*, cassette.

Availability: Camelot Music, ear X-tacy, Better Days, Root & Roll (Jeffersonville, Ind.) and Dodge City performances.

Information: 502-634-9411

*Available early May.

If you would like your album or single listed and it hasn't been previously listed, send us a copy, along with pertinent information and a phone number where we can reach you to verify your information. Here's the address:

Album Listings

Louisville Music News

7400 Cross Creek Blvd.

Louisville, KY 40228