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An Even Dozen for
'Louisville Lyrics'

By Earl Meyers

August '93 marked 12 years that Louisville Lyrics has been helping songwriters in the Louisville and Southern Indiana area — the longest-running Nashville Songwriters International Association regional workshop extension.

Director Maggie Cavender began expanding workshops from the Nashville headquarters in 1981 with the help of professional and local area songwriters. Her foresight has been taken to another level by new Executive Director Pat Rogers since 1989. Regional workshops have more than doubled to 42 across the United States, plus one each in Canada, Germany and British West Indies. Coordinators are trained four days each year to present professional songwriting lessons to their local groups. A quarterly Leadsheet is "chocked" full of tips to improve writing, day camps are available, and many other activities are now open to songwriters.

Seven coordinators, prior to myself, and nearly 100 members have helped make Louisville's NSAI workshop a success the past 12 years.

To celebrate the anniversary, a picnic was planned at Rough River Lake on September 11. Sixteen members, family and friends shared in the fun, food and festivities, an hour and 45-minute drive from Louisville. A marshmallow roast was a big hit for those who stayed later in the evening. It was a great way to start year number 13.

The time I've been involved has been rewarding. I'm proud to be a part of NSAI, now the largest not-for-profit songwriter association in the United States, with over 4,000 members.

Thanks to all who have helped and been a part of our group locally. We have shared many good moments in Louisville's music scene and hope to have many more.