this one

Corrections & Clarifications

Focused frenzy?

A typographical error crept into a sentence in Keith Clements' blues column "A Mind to Ramble" in our July issue. Keith was comparing Larry McCray's latest album, Delta Hurricane, with his earlier album, Ambition. Keith indicated that on Delta Hurricane McCray's music was "now more focused." The article incorrectly read "now more frenzied."

We apologize to our columnist, to McCray and to our readers.

Rick's Marvin's Johns

Also in our July issue, while we listed Rick Mattingly as a contributing photographer on page 3, we inadvertently did not give him a photo credit under the picture on page 26 of Marvin Maxwell and his "Jammin' Johns." We apologize for the oversight.

Who Said Whut?

A misinterpretation by our editor resulted in a quote by our bluegrass columnist being incorrectly attributed.

Following the Kentucky Regional round of the Pizza Hut International Showdown at Otter Creek Park on May 27, Milton Harkey, Showdown president, had said that winner Cyndi Ruff "has the best female voice I have heard" in the three years of the event. But it was columnist Berk Bryant who said, "Cyndi, your folks are proud of you, I am proud of you and you have the sincere best wishes and congratulations of us and all of your fans out there. We love you and go get 'em at (Showdown finals in) Owensboro."