this one

Party Down, Pony Up

By Jean Metcalfe

L.O. Supporter, a member of the Association of the Louisville Orchestra, is fretting about the financial plight of his favorite musical ensemble. Supporter decides to take temporary refuge from his worries in the works of Henry David Thoreau. From "Housewarming" he reads:

"They [wood stumps] warmed me twice — once while I was splitting them, and again when they were on the fire."

Supporter drops Thoreau, not bothering to mark his place. He dashes to the phone and dials, interrupting the other party's pacing of the floor. Supporter blurts into the mouthpiece:

"By Jove, I think I've got it!"*

Fast forward to May 17, the beginning of a fund-raising campaign that could generate as much as $100,000 in contributions for the Orchestra.

"The unique aspect of this campaign," said LO Executive Director Wayne Brown, "is that virtually no corporate contributions will be required. Instead, hundreds of private individuals will donate in amounts of $20 to $125 and will be immediately rewarded for their support with good food, drink, and entertainment."

The campaign, dubbed "Order a la Carte," is a summer-long series of 33 unique public parties hosted by ALO members, LO board members and other Orchestra supporters.

"Some Enchanted Evening," at $125 per person one of the higher-priced parties, promises a specially created menu and a delightful evening co-hosted by Brown and restauranteur Gabrielle Vincenzo.

Perhaps something less pricey is in the cards? For $20 each, as many as 32 bridge players can look forward to good food, spirited play and great camaraderie at "Master Bridge - NOT."

For singles only, a $30 per person donation buys a boarding pass to "The Solo Express" at the Train Station Restaurant in Anchorage.

And there are other parties to choose from: "Zoorific," "A Leo Birthday Party," "The Wines of Summer," and "Uptown. Downtown." A complete list is available by calling The Louisville Orchestra office at 502-587-8681. Reservations are being accepted now, and all are on a first-come, first-served basis.

If the prospect of all that warmth doesn't light your fire, consider this: Fifty percent of your donation to the Association of The Louisville Orchestra is tax deductible.

*Fictional scenario.