this one

The Once and Future President

By Paul Moffctt

I'm ba-a-a-a-a-ckk.

Like a bad penny or those creatures from beyond, this President of the LASC just won't go away — or, more accurately, I can't get away.

First, I would like to thank Paul Dell Aquila for his tenure, more brief than I would have liked, but certainly a break for yours truly. Dell Aquila stepped down after coming face-to-face with a significant age-related milestone and realizing that his personal musical dream was not being brought to reality. He and his significant other, Grace Delligatti, decided that they had to clear their agendas in order to focus, laser-like, on their musical goal – rock 'n' roll success for Another Colour.

We wish them the best of luck and Godspeed.

Roz and Vince Reynolds took a turn at the July 17 guitar pull. Why not join in next time, Sept. 18. Photo by Jean Metcalfe

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there are fences to mend and cattle to round up and the guvmint agents and the Big Boss' evil henchmen . . .oops, sorry, wrong script.

Things are moving along with the contest and by the time you read this, all the entries (probably) will be in and the process of judging will have begun. It you want the inestimable pleasure and experience of listening to a lot of songwriter demos, call us at 241-2699. The listening sessions are scheduled from September 5 through 11, at various times, mostly in the evening.

This year the Board has decided that we will just give away the prizes in November, at a yet- to-be-decided function, rather than stage a large seminar as we have done in the past. The reason for the change? Person power, or the lack thereof.

The operating staff of the LASC, to wit, Jean Metcalfe and me, has had to focus on its own business more and more, leaving LASC matters for later in the day and, sometimes, night and we realized that we did not have the time or energy to plan and stage the seminar. The Board acknowledged that fact and suggested that the seminar be reconsidered next year, after staffing concerns have been dealt with.

The upshot is, that we can use some help.

Wanna be on the Board? Call me.

Otherwise, our meetings go on, with one small change: the second meeting of the month is now a pickin', song-tradin', live music jam session. Bring your instruments. There will be no meeting on September 4, as it is a holiday. We will critique on September 18, if anyone really wants to.

As for the "Unsung Writers" idea that was offered earlier in the year, we received precisely one (1) entry and that from a non-member of the LASC. We returned that one and concluded that everybody in the LASC must be performers, doing their own material. (Just a joke; I know better.) Anyway, we decided to scrap the idea tor now and recycle it later.

{To be fair, the person who championed the idea did not turn in her own songs when the lack of interest became apparent. — Editor.) That's it tor now. Come to a meeting once in a while.