this one

Earl's Pearls

By Earl Meyers, Coordinator Louisville Workshop, NSAI

Is your dream alive and well? Are you pursuing your passion in life? If not, I challenge you to do just that.

Ten years ago, I was at Spanky's in Nashville (with Bill Ede) doing what I love: singing on a songwriters night. It was the first time I had sung my songs in a lounge setting and I was not as prepared vocally or material-wise as most writers that night. A writer came up to me afterward and encouraged me to keep writing and singing my songs. People like him help stoke the fire of our dreams. They are great; they are the believers.

The doubters are the ones we have our real trouble with. They will rain on your parade and douse the sparks and joy of your dream. The hurt is deeper if the person is a close friend. My suggestion is that you not take a remark or doubting look too personally, but use it as a motivating device to make you stronger in your conviction and more determined to be better in perfecting what it is you want to do. You do not have to be great, but set your goals and be the best you can be. Don't, I repeat, don't let "the doubter" take away your dream and the enthusiasm you feel for it.