this one


Cherub Scourge

Outside of Everything

Label: ear X-may Records.

Formats: cassette, CD.

Availability: ear X-lacy; artist's gigs.

Info: 502-452-1799 or 502-634-9796.

Phillip Clarkson

Still Climbing

Label: KT Records.

Formats: cassette. CD

Availability: Phillip Clarkson Music, 329 Buffalo Rd., Bradfordsville, KY 40009 ($8/12 + $2 S&H)

Info: 502-337-2120

Tom Gnadinger

Cloud, Step Down

Format: CD

Information: Tom Gnadinger, P.O. Box 43205. Louisville. KY 40253-0205.

Circus in Heaven

Moral Chain of Custody: Volume II

Label: MCC Music

Format: CD

Info: MCC Music, P.O. Box 8221

Lexington, KY 40533-822l

Bob Rosenthal

Forever Angels

Label: Independent.

Formats: cassette. CD

Availability: Hawley-Cooke, Artist's performances, or by mail: 216| Goldsmith Lane #6, Louisville, KY 40218 ($9.93/l4.98 + $2 S&H)

Info: 502-458-2720

Signing: Feb. 17, 2-3 p.m., Hawley- Cooke, Shelbyville Rd.

Various Artists

Are You Hungry for Music? Vol. 3 Harvest Showcaswe 1996

Label: Snail & Rocket

Format: CD

Availability: ear X-lacy

Info: 502-425-8746.

If you are a local artist (Kentuckiana area) and would like your album, single or video listed, and it hasn't been previousiy listed, send us a copy, along with pertinent informtion and a phone number where we can reach you to verify your information. There is no charge for this service.

Here's the address:

Album Listings

Louisville Music News

7505 Cambridge Drive

Crestwood. KY 400l4