this one

Can the Word Heart Ever Really Be Overused?

Open Heart Purjury (Frogimo Records)
Leanne Trevalyan

By Kory Wilcoxson

Singer/songwriter Leanne Trevalyan states in the liner notes of Open Heart Perjury that the word "heart" is used 33 times over the course of the 11 songs (including in the title of three songs). That should give you a clue as to the tenor of "Perjury," and to the level of investment Trevalyan has in it.

Trevalyan sings about hearts in a variety of styles: there's the Marcia Ball feistiness of "Swoon and Sigh," the somber brokenness of "My Heart Goes South," and the tongue-in-cheek fashion confession in "Heart on My Sleeve," which inevitably leads to Trevalyan getting "blood on my shirt."

Trevalyan is smart to mix up her delivery so that the whole album doesn't sink into the monotone of a "he broke my heart" lament. "Song #89" comes dangerously close to rocking and the longing of "I Can't Sit Still" conjures up the sweet voice of the Indigo Girls' Emily Saliers.

The rumor is that Trevalyan is in the process of developing new material with Tim Krekel, which means that good things are in store for this promising woman. Bless her heart.